Little Enjoyer, New York.
As its title suggest this is made up purely of field recordings taken from various jungle areas in and around Thailand, over a four year period. The field recordings are left as recorded and tamper free, and I have to say this is one of the most replayble, strange, haunting and rewarding field recordings disk I’ve come across. Dave Phillips is know to many for his often vomit educing & mind frying sound cut-ups and noise attacks. Here he takes his keen ear for unusual and often very odd sounds and takes us on a heady, strange, natural ambient sonic journey. Taking in insect, gibbon, bullfrog and canine sounds, along with waterfalls, heatseettling and the general rich and often very bizarre sounds of the jungle. Though there is no editing or manipulation going on here the sequence of the tracks is very clever going from slightly jarring, hallucinogenic and highly atmospheric. As expected with this type of thing the tracks are often very short going from a few seconds up to minute plus, but it all seems to flow well making an enjoyable and consistent whole. A few tracks are a little longer and the longest here is the simple breathtaking track 17 which is a recording of a sunset Concerto of inserts that goes on for 20 minutes & mangers to be both alien, ambient, soothing, bizarrely rhythmic, haunting & simply amazing really- built around the various rich and strange tones of the insects. Really standing up as a great and strange piece of ambience in its own right. The disk comes in a nice oversized full colour folder with liner notes by Mr Phillips and pictures from his trips around Thailand. This will certainly appeal beyond the normal field recording market, been of interest to ambient and noise fans too.
(Roger Batty, Musique Machine)Дэйв Филлипс всегда интересовался работой с полевыми записями, и альбом 2007 года “Field Recordings”, выпущенный американским лэйблом Little Enjoyer - результат его путешествий с микрофоном, собрание 27 треков, записанных в Таиланде - названия треков подробным образом объясняют, что нам предстоит услышать. Некоторые совсем короткие, меньше минуты, есть и длинные, по 10-20 минут - единственным методом студийной обработки стала их эквализация, ничего более - ни микширования, ни компресии, ни нормализации, ни наложений. Никаких эффектов и манипуляций, всё как в природе. Музыкант советует слушать альбом громко и в наушниках. После этого остаётся странное чувство, которое можно назвать антитезой нью-эйджу, и хочется задаться вопросом: а нужны ли мы природе?
(Dmitry Vasilyev,, August 2018)